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Save the Date! January 18
You don't want to miss the Club Cruceros Charity Beach Party on Saturday, January 18 at La Costa Restaurant. We will play some card and beach games, listen to music, eat lunch, and buy cool stuff. Cool stuff? Yep, we're auctioning everything from Maggie's famous lemon bars to a day with the whale sharks. Handcrafted jewelry, hand baked yummies, boat gear, dinners, expeditions and who knows what else this year.
You can help by joining the committee or by volunteering for the day. Email the club if you are interested. Otherwise, we hope to see you there!
2024 La Paz Cruiser's Guide!
The La Paz Cruiser's Guide is hot off the presses with new entries, changes and corrections to the previous edition. The Club relies on you, the users of the guide, to keep it up to date with recommendations of new entries and any changes. Email the Club at with any suggestions.
Please support the many local businesses that have advertised in the guide. Without them, we could not have brought the La Paz Cruiser's Guide to you for free.
The guide is available in the Clubhouse and in many businesses around town, or you can always download it or view it online HERE.
December Board Meeting Minutes
Board meetings are usually held the second Tuesday of every month. All members are encouraged to attend, share their input, and hear plans for the coming months.
This is your chance to be heard, so plan to be at the December 3 meeting, but first check out the minutes from our November board meeting here…
Celestial Navigation Classes are Back!
Mondays & Thursdays, 10 am - Noon in the Vista Room
This is an ancient method of determining a position using the positions of celestial bodies such as the sun, moon, stars, and planets. It was a skill that was the primary way sailors navigated the oceans before modern electronic navigation systems. Taught by Isabella, this is an on-going class; drop-ins are welcome. No experience or sextant necessary. Bring a pencil and paper.FREE! Yoga in the Vista Room Monday thru Friday!
- Monday/Wednesday/Friday, 8:30-9:30 am: Yoga with Cristy
- Tuesday/Thursday, 8:45-9:45 am: Somatic Yoga with Naailah
Attention All Boat Owners in the Bay of La Paz
To ensure the responsible, orderly, and safe use of our bay, all boat owners are requested to comply with the following provisions:
- Removal of stranded vessels in beach areas.
- Removal of non-operational vessels in the sea that no longer serve their original purpose.
- Transfer of vessels intended for repair to the designated area for such purposes.
- Proper disposal of vessels or remains considered as waste at the city landfill.
If you do not have the means to remove your vessel or know the owner of a vessel or remains located in the bay, please visit the offices of the Port Captain of La Paz. The offices are open Monday through Friday from 8:30 AM to 2:30 PM, where you will receive the necessary guidance.
The deadline to comply with these provisions is Monday, August 26, 2024. After this date, vessels that have not been removed will be transferred to a storage area. To retrieve them, you will need to provide proof of ownership and cover the costs of transfer and storage. Additionally, administrative procedures will be initiated in applicable cases.
Consequences of Non-Compliance:
- Transfer of the vessel to a storage area.
- Need to provide proof of ownership and cover the corresponding costs for its recovery.
- Initiation of administrative procedures.
Signed by:
Secretaría de Marina (Mexican NAVY)
Port Captain of La Paz, Baja California Sur
Secretaría del Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales - PROFEPA (Mexican Environmental Agency)
Gobierno del Estado - Administración Portuaria Integral de BCS (State's Port Authority)
Ayuntamiento de La Paz (La Paz Municipality Authorities)
Change to the DVD Loaner Program!
DVDs aren’t completely obsolete, but with the availability of WiFi and Starlink and not a great number of DVD players anymore, we have seen a sharp decline in the checking out of our collection.
A wonderful member, Homer, has spent the last few weeks going through the hundreds of cases and matching them with the DVDs in the coffee room. The DVDs with cases will be categorized alphabetically by title, and checking them out will no longer be required. You can simply take a DVD and bring it back when you are done, or pass it on. Feel free to donate DVDs with cases and in good condition, just like our books!
Club Cruceros Partners with Mar Libre
Club Cruceros is proudly supporting the efforts of the local conservation group, Mar Libre, in the removal of derelict boats and debris from the La Paz beaches and educating students through their in-school Pollution Prevention Classes. We have donated $20,000 pesos from the Charity Committee to pay a teacher honorarium, and another $20,000 from our disaster fund recently paid for the removal of the powerboat Chief and a huge piece of floating dock that was breaking apart. Mar Libre also organizes monthly beach cleanups and welcomes volunteers. If you would like to personally donate to these maritime efforts or volunteer, go to the Mar Libre Facebook page for details and to contact the founder, Pablo Ahuja. See the photos here...
Dues Increase... For Some
When you pay your Club dues online at the Club Cruceros website you will see the cost has been raised to $12 US. Due to the weakness of the US dollar, the board voted to increase the annual dues beginning June 1, but only for those paying via PayPal. For those paying at the Clubhouse, dues remain $200 pesos per person. Thanks for keeping Club Cruceros afloat over the years through your membership support.
Bayfest 2024
And that’s a wrap. 5 days of Bayfest. It was a huge success due to the hard work of an incredible crew of volunteers. Seminars, sailboat race, workshops, chili cook off, luau, happy hours, cards, wine tasting, dinghy poker, hot dogs & beer, horseshoes, bocce ball, raffle prizes and many, many new and old friends. It was a blast, and this year was enjoyed by over 100 cruisers and local ex-pats. Check out some photos here... and we hope to see you April 3–6 next year!
Congratulations to the New Board
At the Annual General Membership Meeting on Tuesday, April 9, the slate of officers was unanimously elected. Please welcome and congratulate your new board.
The Board of Directors for the 2024-2025 Season:
- Commodore: Heidi Benson Stagg
- Vice Commodore: Mary Jo Hood
- Rear Commodore: Tom Murray
- Secretary: Jan St Pierre
- Treasurer: Open
- Directors-at-Large: Jeff Brandt, Bob Walker, Dr. Juan Alvarez
23–24 Charity Fund Distribution
The Charity Committee is excited to report that this season, Club Cruceros was able to assist nine different organizations. Thanks to the hard work of many volunteer hands and the generosity of our membership, we distributed a whopping $159,932 MXN.
By the application deadline date of February 1, 2024, we had received 15 applications. The charity committee vigorously vetted each program and determined how we could make the biggest impact with the funds raised by the club. Click here to see the list of those we selected...
St. Patrick's Day Dinner at La Costa
Once again, the Club has organized an incredibly fun event for St. Patrick’s Day. It was a St. Patrick's Day celebration the Irish would be proud of, with the traditional Irish corned beef and cabbage. As usual, our volunteer members actually created the corned beef for the restaurant staff to prepare for dinner.
The sold-out event started out with cocktails and Irish and Sea Shanty tunes by Blaine and Kappy. You can see in the photos the happy people getting some great St. Patrick’s Day food, including green flan! After dinner, everyone enjoyed La Paz's popular rock 'n roll dance band, Huachinango. See the photos here...
Superbowl Party
Club Cruceros hosted a Super Bowl party at Anzuelo's Cocina on February 11. Thirty members and their friends came out to enjoy the friendly rivalry between the San Francisco 49ers and the Kansas City Chiefs and enjoy delicioso food and great drinks. It was a nail-biter, with the game going into overtime! Blaine Southwood was the most excited about the Chief's win and played his magic flute after every score! The winners of the pool were: first quarter - Molly; second and third quarters - Cole; and the big final - Marty! Here are some photos...
2024 Charity Beach Party
Club members and friends came out in droves to the annual Club Cruceros Charity Beach Party held on Saturday, January 27 at La Costa Restaurant. Tournaments included Baja Rummy, Cribbage, Dominoes, Bocce Ball and Cornhole. The silent and live auctions and the bake sale were hotly contested, with more than 150 total donated items!
More than $80,000 pesos was raised and will be dispersed by the Charity Committee to local community organizations in April.
Huge thanks to our event chairperson, Mary Jo Hood, and her committee for an incredible day of fun and fellowship! Committee members and volunteers included: Steve B, Heidi, Patsy, Allyson, Janet, Peggy, Allison P, Sherri, Jason, Pat W, Craig, Leanne, Teri, Marcia, Jan, Bob W, Adam, Naailah, Corinne, Cindy, Doug, Esther, Blaine and others. It was an amazing crew that deserves a huge round of applause! See the photos here...
A Huge Fundraising Success!
The first annual 50/50 charity garage and bake sale was a success, raising $24,400 pesos!
A special thank-you goes out to Neil Schroyer and the Marina de La Paz staff for giving us the space to host this event. Additionally, we would like to thank La Paz Yachts for donating all proceeds for the sale of their coffee and treats. The bake sale boasted lasagnas, pies, cakes, and treats of all kinds. The vendors offered everything from sausages to art, plants to pottery, clothing to boat parts. It was a fun day that could not have happened without the large cast of volunteers who put in their time and energy.
These funds will go a long way toward helping our La Paz community! Photos by Sherri here...
NEW La Paz Cruiser's Guide!
The time-honored Club Cruceros Service Directory has a new look and name. We hope the new format will make it easy to find the services and businesses you need. Each entry in the directory has been verified and many new entries have been added.
Please support the many local businesses that have advertised in the guide. Without them, we could not have brought the La Paz Cruiser's Guide to you for free.
Sorry, we ran out of this year's edition. But you can always view it online or DOWNLOAD IT HERE.
Read "Before Panic Spreads Through the Fleet"
An article by Rich Boren of La Paz Cruiser's Supply
This Mexican Law/Rule was posted on the San Carlos Cruisers Facebook Page. Before panic spreads through the fleet with rumors of Boat impounding and the Navy blocking the entrance to the La Paz Channel (like what happened in the Early Covid Days) a little perspective and reality check could be of value.
First, this isn’t a new law or regulation. Nor has it ever been applied for transient cruising boats. Second, private moorings have always been illegal Read More...
Volunteer Opportunity
In keeping with the club objectives we want our members to be aware of any opportunities to serve our local community. The Mexico Marine Wildlife Rescue Center (MMWRC) is based in La Paz. (Formerly 'Centro de Rescate, Museo de la Ballena'). They need active volunteers. This organization responds to strandings (live and dead) of whales, dolphins, seals, sea lions, sea turtles, sea birds, sharks, and rays. These animals may be sick, injured, entangled, or otherwise compromised in some way. For a lot of good information about what they do... Read More
Club Cruceros Blood Bank and Blood Drive
Club Cruceros is working with the Blood Bank in La Paz to set up a blood bank for Club Cruceros members and the fleet. When you need blood you will be able to draw from this bank. When you give blood you will need to specify that the blood is to be allocated for the Club Cruceros Blood Bank. We hope to have two blood drives a year in the Vista Room at Marina de la Paz. See Cindy at La Paz Yachts in the Marina de La Paz facility for more information. You can give blood at any time but the qualifications can be a little stiff. Check them out here...
Extended Stay Visa for French Polynesia Explained
If you are planning to "Puddle Jump" across to French Polynesia and are hoping to obtain an extended (longer than three months) visa, the process is so much easier if you follow the step-by-step instructions on the webpage. Click on “French Polynesia Long Stay Visa”. The information was written and contributed by Alene Rice & Bruce Balan on the s/v Migration.
Club Cruceros Wi-Fi
If you would like to use the Club Wi-Fi, just fill out the form with your info, and we will get you hooked up. Each member is allowed two devices, such as a computer, smart phone, iPad or tablet on the system. Wi-Fi is unlimited, and the signal is great. Go here to fill out the form and get the instructions, including how to find your MAC address.
2019 Treasury Shortfall
According to the Club Cruceros Bylaws, within 10 days of the close of the fiscal year, a financial review is conducted. Findings of the review are presented to the Board of Directors for approval and then reported at the next General Membership Meeting. The 2019 year's review was presented at the May 13, 2019, Board meeting and then again at the May 21 General Membership meeting. Read More...