Puerto Balandra
As you are traveling from the mainland or from the Los Cabos area you will pass a beautiful bay called Puerto Balandra. While it is a popular tourist spot the anchorage remains relatively quiet and is a sensible stop if delaying will avoid a strong tidal flow, strong winds or darkness in the La Paz Channel.
There is excellent snorkeling on the south side of the bay and a fabulous white sand beach to the north. Balandra is the site of the well-photographed mushroom shaped rock "El Hongo".
In 2015 the area became part of a conservation effort "The Balandra Flora and Fauna Protection Area".
Enjoy this beautiful area but adhere to the guidelines set in the map and key below. No dinghys, no fishing and no anchoring deep inside the bay.
Maps for Download
The maps and guide below show prohibited anchoring areas and restricted use zones for Puerto Balandra and surrounding areas. Click to download PDF files you can save and print for your own use.