Holiday Pot Lucks
Held Annually on Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve
For the holidays every year club members and guests gather at the clubhouse to share their favorite potluck dishes and enjoy some holiday cheer.
It is usually a different group of people as there are many that go out of town for the season. A great time to meet someone you don't typically see.
On Christmas Eve the event generally starts at 4 pm. The area is all decked out in holiday decor and tables are ready for all of your fabulous dishes. After the potluck many go to the Crossroads Christian Fellowship for the Christmas services.
New Year's Eve is celebrated by Club Cruceros at 4 pm. Why? It's Zulu New Year's Eve! Typically most cruisers don't stay up past "cruiser midnight" (9 pm) so it seems appropriate that we celebrate early. It also gives the night owls plenty of time to get to their New Year's Eve parties.
Beverages are BYO and alcoholic beverages are allowed.
See you there next year!
Listen to the morning VHF net at 8 am on channel 22 for up to date information just prior to the event.